And remember, wherever you go, there you are.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Like Johnny and June

I'm not exactly sure how long since my last blog; it's been a while.

But, since then, I've done a lot of "things".

I've traveled a few states over with my daughter (my oldest one, not my little one) to visit a friend; I've had a summer off (a teacher's "summer off"); I've fallen in love, and lost that love; I've met AND INTERVIEWED my favorite band of all time; I've become a Scentsy consultant; I've started taking photos for other people *family/children photos*; I've celebrated holidays (and other special days); there have been projects; there have been trials and tribulations; I've seem some movies; I've read some books; my friends are FINALLY having children. Life has happened since my last blog.

As many know, I'm like so many others out there...... and unlike so many others.

I teach in a small-town that I did not grow up in. I moved at my first "gig" (teaching preschool). It was during my divorce from my husband (a few years ago).

I'm not even sure where to begin, but I wanted to start somewhere. That's why I started with this entry. An attempt at wrapping up, in a nutshell, what's happened since "last time".

It began with a series of songs on my iPod tonight. It's not that I haven't wanted to blog. I have. I get on here plenty and start an entry only to delete it. I want to post what I wear for "teaching fashion tips" or "what did Ashley wear today??!?"... a record to myself and my children what is going on with us. I've wanted to save ideas and share them. I've wanted to ask for advice and plea for help. But I haven't. This past year, I've grown more in touch with myself than ever before. I have gotten to know more about who I am as a whole than I ever have in my life.

I know that I've done a lot of things and been through a lot of things, but..... I feel I was wrong in how I went about doing them.

I thought I needed time "to be just me... alone... with my girls" to find out who "i really am" and to "find my calling", so to say. But I think I was wrong.

I think I found myself most when I had a purpose. I'll be honest, I learned most about my true character and my true colors and wants and needs and capabilities and skills when I was in my last relationship. I was finally not "running" from my past. I wasn't on some search to find what I needed from God.... I was simply "being.

I was being.

I was putting my total faith in God. I was trying my hardest as a parent. I was being tested as an educator during those times more than ever before. I was happy. I was someone who was constantly trying to be there for others. And, I think that's when we're at our best. When we're being selfless. When we finally realize that we shouldn't be searching for ourselves somewhere else, through reflection and everything else. That...... it is through life, even though crazy, that we find who we really are.

I didn't get to be in that relationship for long. But, in that relationship, I realized who I was as a person more than I ever had before. I am forever grateful for that.

I probably won't talk about it much, but I will talk about all of the fun things I've been doing other than that!!!! :D:D

Like, our "beach days', our "Montana Road Trip", my students in the classroom, my family stories, our holiday happenings, and my silly ole' moments. That's what I do best. Just simple updating so I can keep track of it!!!!!

By the way,
I also have two new additions to the family!!! Two wonderful hedgehogs. Zahra and Fluffy. They are absolutely amazing and I love them to pieces. The girls adore them. If you are looking for a pet but don't know what you should get, consider welcoming a hedgehog into your family.!!


  1. 3- الاهتمام باعمال الكنس للارضيات يوميا للحفاظ على الارضيات واطلب من افراد اسرتك عدم الدخول الى المنزل بالاحذية .
    4- الموكيت والسجاد حتى لا تتلف الانسجة عليك ان تهتم باعمال التنظيف من خلال الفرش الناعمه والاهتمام باعمال التنظيف من خلال المكانس الكهربائية .
    5- الاهتمام بتنظيف المطابخ يوميا من الكنس للارضيات والتخلص من الاوانى فى الاحواض والتخلص من بقايا الاطعمه .
    6- الحمامات تنظيفها مرة صباحا ومرة مساءا بشكل مستمر والاهتمام باعمال التسليك للاحواض من خلال المنظفات بعيد عن المنظفات المركزة التى تسبب الانسداد وهلاك المواسير .
    شركة تنظيف شقق بالرس
    شركة تنظيف فلل بالرس
    شركة تنظيف منازل بالرس
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرس
    7- يوميا عند الاستيقاظ صباحا الاهتمام بترتيب غرفتك وترتيب السراير .
    8- اطلبى من اطفالك عودة كل شىء فى مكانه بعد الانتهاء من اللعب او الانتهاء من المذاكرة وهذا الامر يؤدى الى الاهتمام التخلص من الكركبة تماما .
    9-الاهتمام بتنظيف الاخشاب من خلال المنظفات او من خلال الخل وزيت الزيتون بنفس المقدار حتى تساعد على التنظيف والتلميع فى نفس الوقت .
    10- تحديد جدول فى اعمال التنظيف اليومية والاسبوعيه من اكثر الاشياء التى تساعد فى الانجاز والراحه النفسيه لكى .
    شركة تنظيف شقق بعنيزة
    شركة تنظيف فلل بعنيزة
    شركة تنظيف منازل بعنيزة
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بعنيزة
    هذه هى اسرع نصائح وطرق التنظيف المميزة التى تحقق لكى اعلى درجة من الراحه النفسية والهدوء فى المكان .
