And remember, wherever you go, there you are.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Letter Matching

Here is a letter matching activity we did in the classroom last week in my 3 year-old classes. It was great  for letter recognition and matching. :) 
They did wonderful!-- and it was a great way to assess them, too. Another idea I had for my older kids was to match upper and lower case letters. Maybe do numbers to dots, etc. The ways you can tweak this to fit into what you need are almost endless!!! Shapes, colors (use other, non-neon, dots), tallies, sight words...... MEH!! :D use your imagination.


P.s. I did raindrops no blue paper to match our "weather" unit. You can really do whatever you want!!! :) I also made umbrellas. :) Switching it up would be a way to bring your theme into your curriculum. 


Aren't puppies just the cutest things in the world???? :D:D:D
Our family dog (My Mom and Dad's) had puppies this weekend. ELEVEN of the little cutie patties! Here is a picture of the pile of them and mom trying to keep them all in order and they're just climbing on each other, etc.

There's a cute little picture of them squirming around in a pile with each other. :) Mama (Lucy) is out having some time outside for a couple of minutes.

Mama resting with her little puppies. :)

I just love them. So do the kids. :) It was ADORABLE!!!! :) She's still a little 'protective' at this point, so it was quick when we got chances to hold them (if, at all). Lucy wasn't all about sharing her babies quite yet. :) But she was very sweet to her visitors, and she's such a good mommy.

The top one is a little fuzzy, but it's hard to get both a puppy and a 7 year-old to stay still for a photo pop!!! :D


Friday, April 12, 2013


I am currently hosting a scentsy "basket" party. I am loving it! I can't wait to finish it up because I just LOOOOVE scentsy.
In fact, I am 98% certain that I am going to become a Scentsy consultant!
I'm pretty excited and I think it'd be good for me.
Get myself out there can doing something new and challenging.

Wish me luck if I end up going through with this decision!!! :D

Laters, BABy... ;)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Family Dinner Discussions :)

"Family Dinner Questions"

Before I begin, here's where I got this LOVELY idea (free printables)! [[How Does She]]

I came across this super cute idea on pinterest (obviously). I printed off the free printables and got to work. There are so many GREAT questions/interesting facts/conversation starters for you to do at the dinner table with your family. 

Mason/canning jar
Mod Podge
Printables from the link above
Ribbon/buttons/scrapbooking paper
(any other decorations you want to make the jar pretty)

Basically, I printed off the activity from the link.
I cut them all out. *I didn't use all of them, just because my girls are both too young to understand some of them (not many- but some)*
Then, I mod podge'd the label onto the front of the jar. 
Next, I cut out some scrapbooking paper and put that in the top of the jar.
After that, I tied some little ribbon around the neck to add a little "pop" and then glued a couple little crafty buttons onto the front/top.
Put all of my questions into the jar and VOILA!!!

It is sitting in the middle of our table and after just the first night, it's been a hit for SURE!

:) I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Thanks for the idea!!! :D 
I'll probably be posting some of the answers that the girls give throughout the extent of this.

Also**** I do plan on adding my own as we go.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New Kicks

Got myself some new shoes. :) These things always make me smile.
Took a picture.

Cute with the mint jeans....

Enjoyed this sparkly, springy, glitzy, new outfit. :) I wish I had a pic of me from straight on. MEH it's alright.
Although, from this view, I feel like I need a tattoo on my foot. TIME to get going on that. I'll add it to my summer bucket list.

Speaking of summer bucket lists. The girls and I are going to work on that this week[end]. Pretty excited!!!!!

Printables for my place!

Cute, huh?!?!

I was going to paint the frames, but I think I'll nix that idea right now. I kind of like how they look. We'll see, that could change in the next few hours. But, I got these printables from 
HERE!-  (Spring)


HERE!! (Sunshine)

They look lovely on top of my black IKEA shelves that I am in love with. (Ever since I got them last summer....)


Pillow Reading Nook.

Love Reading!

Tonight, the girls were having a little rough housing time. Which, sometimes is totally fine!!! But tonight, mama's headache wasn't really enjoying it. SO! I almost set up a library. But I figured we'd done that a bit much in the past year. WHY not try something new?!

So I had them help me collect pillows, blankets, and couch cushions. Together, we all made a wonderful, little, cute, reading nook!

:)Our reading nook.

*The girls curled up reading their books.

*Another precious picture of them curled up in the reading nook enjoying a book.

*they enjoyed these great reads + a few more!! :)



I just had to share this precious picture of my Little Miss I this past weekend.

It was dance picture weekend and this is what I turned around to while I was trying to get things all together for her before time to go take pictures. 

She was just perched up on a tall stool, looking all cheese-y like into the mirror. I couldn't resist. My heart was melting and I had to snap it. :) Glad I did. It's one of my favorite pictures. And I will always remember the cuteness of this moment. :)


SPRING has arrived!! 

It's coming. Slowly but surely. One day it's in the 70's and the next day we're having hail and then rain and then snow. It's crazy here in the midwest sometimes. :) But the days we live for are those beautiful spring days. (OR, at least I do!)

Here is a picture of the girls outside playing at my parents' place. I keep telling them "go outside and play!!!". And for some reason, they always come back in and tell me they're bored!! I never got it!! 
HOW can they be BORED on an ACREAGE in the middle of nowhere?!?! I had to teach them how to use their imaginations. I told them I was going to make them a ship. So here's our ship. I put a blanket on the top, a blanket on the bottom. They helped me organize a chair and an umbrella. They got "supplies", too. I made them help me find some. Supplies like rocks, a bottle of water, a sweatshirt, a "flag", and other necessary items when you're in the high seas all by yourself in a ship!!!! It was so great to see them playing!! 


We also looked for some fun hiding places in the trees and behind and in barns. We talked about how you can be adventurers, be native americans, or even be an animal!! We looked at what trees might grow berries in a few months, and how to "collect food". It was well worth it! They (hopefully) won't have any problem playing outside for hours this spring/summer.


A Fun Math WORKSHET??! least that's what Miss S thought! :) I made a little "magic" math worksheet for her! I used crayon to write the math equations (like you see). In the boxes under the math problem, I wrote (IN WHITE CRAYON) the answer. Right under the line, she wrote her answers. To check if her answers were correct, she painted with water over the box to reveal the correct answer!

It took a little bit of time on my part. But it kind of grabbed her attention. She's always looking for new ways to practice her addition and subtraction! 

:) This was a good one!