And remember, wherever you go, there you are.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


SPRING has arrived!! 

It's coming. Slowly but surely. One day it's in the 70's and the next day we're having hail and then rain and then snow. It's crazy here in the midwest sometimes. :) But the days we live for are those beautiful spring days. (OR, at least I do!)

Here is a picture of the girls outside playing at my parents' place. I keep telling them "go outside and play!!!". And for some reason, they always come back in and tell me they're bored!! I never got it!! 
HOW can they be BORED on an ACREAGE in the middle of nowhere?!?! I had to teach them how to use their imaginations. I told them I was going to make them a ship. So here's our ship. I put a blanket on the top, a blanket on the bottom. They helped me organize a chair and an umbrella. They got "supplies", too. I made them help me find some. Supplies like rocks, a bottle of water, a sweatshirt, a "flag", and other necessary items when you're in the high seas all by yourself in a ship!!!! It was so great to see them playing!! 


We also looked for some fun hiding places in the trees and behind and in barns. We talked about how you can be adventurers, be native americans, or even be an animal!! We looked at what trees might grow berries in a few months, and how to "collect food". It was well worth it! They (hopefully) won't have any problem playing outside for hours this spring/summer.

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