And remember, wherever you go, there you are.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Look at these lovely "SIGNED" shirts!!! 

AIN'T NOTHIN' like a signed shirt to rev up those memories, eh?!

This shirt is a LOVELY gem that I just uncovered this past weekend after breaking out a dusty, old box from my parents' attic. I had to add it to Facebook and tag all of the people who signed their names on it! (And who I had on Facebook!).


It was one of the toughest moves that I went through as a child. I think it was probably the age. I say that because, I'd moved around growing up (quite a bit) and this was the first one that brought tears to my eyes. 

It was at the end of 6th grade. I moved from New Ulm, Minnesota to Carroll, IA.

The awesome part about this was, not only that I got to reminisce, but it brought me to a friendship that I had been searching for but couldn't locate.

I love Facebook. LOOOOVE it! A part of why, is because of the communication and reconnect of people from the past. Since I DID move around a bit, seeing what my old classmates were up to, and see their families, and being able to talk to them is AWESOME.

Well, after uploading these photos, tagging who I had on Facebook already, I was able to locate someone that I had searched for a few times and came up with empty. :) I was so glad to hear from her again and was so happy for her. :) It was just lovely.

I love it.

Thought I'd share. 


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